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Welcome Titans

Entrance to Skyline

Every year signifies a fresh and new beginning. The ultimate goal that all students should be able to strive for during the school year is to ensure that their aspirations and ambitions are accomplished through education. We currently live in a society where education is most definitely the key to success. All of the Skyline Faculty and Staff as well as your student government will work continuously to enhance the educational and social experiences of all students on our campus. At Skyline your Student Body Leaders work to create a school setting that is safe and welcoming, so that each student can confide their trust in the community, in doing so, Skyline will only continue to prosper. It ultimately takes an entire village to raise a child, thus as Titans it is our responsibility to present our best selves at school everyday so that we set the stage for those who will later take our places in the home we have grown to love! Let us have an amazing and prosperous school year together! And don’t forget to always show that TITAN SPIRIT!

The Associated Student Body

The Titan Way - Respect | Integrity | Excellence