Work Permits
Skyline High School Work Permits
Before starting your application:
- You must have a social security number to work or
- USCIS Form I-9 An Alien Registration Number/USCIS Number OR Form I-94 …
- Also you must be offered a job before obtaining a work permit.
To obtain a work permit, the students must initiate this application or it will be denied. (Parents or employers cannot complete the student's work permit application for the student employee.)
Note: A student needs her/his guardian's email and employer's email to complete this step. Once the student completes her/his section, s/he routes it to the guardian, after which it gets routed to the employer.
For further guidance on completing your application view this presentation.
If you need more help, please contact the Work Permit Point Person.
Skyline High School
(510) 879-2306
Nicole Smith-